Chapter 2: No Time for a Quiet Time

Since the time I started having a regular meeting with God, I’d sometimes feel the same way when meeting with a friend. It takes up an effort and I feel like I no longer want to meet with a friend, I just want to do what I was doing. However, once I start talking and telling Him things about my day, my plans, my recent emotions, I suddenly cannot stop talking. Somehow, it alleviates every single bad feeling that I was having prior to talking to him. In fact, there are instances when I feel like the supposedly 15-30 minutes allotted time for Quiet Time turned into hours.

Quiet Time is a phrase introduced to me before by a group of students in my previous university. I tried doing it but I could really not feel any connection with Him primarily because, at that time, it seemed like they were making
me do it as a task rather than something I should enjoy.

Right now, it is something that I look forward to somehow. But then again, I constantly talk to God every single time of my day. Having a Quiet Time is like a deep sigh of relief in my noisy and busy day.

In Luke 5:12-16, we learned that Jesus was busy teaching people and meeting strangers who want to be healed.
Jesus did the following things: 1. He reached out his hand.
2. He touched the man.
3, He recognized the prayer of the man with leprosy.
4. He commanded the disease to go away and the man to be clean.
5. He ordered the man not to tell anyone.
6. He ordered the man to go.
7. He commanded the man to show himself to the priest and offer sacrifices.

In verse 16, we learned that Jesus “often withdrew to lonely places and prayed” despite the crowd of people wanting to hear him teach and be healed. After that busy day, He withdrew from the crowd to pray.

I never have any kids yet but I still somehow find myself busy every day, talking to people, doing several tasks, managing different agenda in my every day life.

But just like Jesus, He never fails to retreat from the noise of the crowd and spend time with God the Father. This is something that we need to emulate. At the end of the day, take a breath of relief in the arms of God. And true enough, I can only do that by praying.

When everything seems to overwhelm me, I just want to stop my time and ran towards God. By kneeling and praying, crying my heart out, talking to Him and just be still in the quietness of my room, somehow I regain my
spirit to conquer another day.

If  you think about it, Quiet Time is not just a time you give to God. In reality, it is THAT precious time given to you by God to retreat from the world, reflect on your life and find that peace in Him.

—————————– ———————-   PRAYER  —————————————————————-
Lord, help me to follow through my commitment in spending time with You. There will surely be days where I will turn my back on that commitment but Lord God I pray that you call me and give me that willingness of heart to
spend time with You. So that my heart and soul will again be fully replenished with Your wisdom, love and understanding. This I pray in the name of Your Son Jesus. Amen.

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